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My New Book

I’ve just finished a new book, Insights for a Happier Life: Shortcuts for Creating Positive Changes One Moment at a Time, and I’m happy to announce you can now order it as a Kindle book on Amazon or as a paperback from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your local bookstore. Insights for a Happier Life
  • 13 Aug, 2015
  • Posted by Steve Fogel
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Loving Kindness Exercise

This meditation practice from the UCLA Mindful Aware­ness Research Center is very simple. Just follow these instructions. Sit straight on a chair in a darkened room. Close your eyes, breathe naturally, and relax your entire body, letting go of all the tension in your race, neck, legs, arms, and feet. Focus your mind on someone
  • 22 Jun, 2015
  • Posted by Steve Fogel
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Practicing Mindful Meditation

Many years ago I was doing a research project on success in vari­ous fields, and I was fortunate to interview Ram Dass, the spiritual teacher who wrote, among other books, Be Here Now, a classic book for Western readers on spirituality, meditation, and yoga. As part of the book, Ram Dass wrote about his transformation
  • 8 Jun, 2015
  • Posted by Steve Fogel
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What’s Wrong with Being Right?

In my relationships, my default programming also directed a lot of my thoughts and feelings in support of my being “right.” Sometimes the desire to be right makes us attempt to make the other per­son wrong; sometimes it makes us withdraw into ourselves, as I did when I’d back off from taking a stance to
  • 19 Feb, 2015
  • Posted by Steve Fogel
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My Own Frog-in-Hot-Water Moment

  The myths I tell myself are important because they’re some of the factors that held me captive as a frog in hot water. When we’re stuck in frog-in-hot-water situations or relationships, I believe that one or more myths like mine are always contributing to keeping us in the pan while the water continues heating
  • 12 Feb, 2015
  • Posted by Steve Fogel
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